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A - Vacanta fiicei mele in EuropaA0- LORRIEAA - Fiica meaAAA - Rasfatatele familieiABUTILONAjun de anul nou 2010 -2011Apollo Bay si 12 ApostoliBradul de Craciun 2011BRASSIABreakfastCactusi 2011-2012   Cactus   Chamacereus Silvestrii peanut cactus   David Copperfield   Gasteria   Gymnocalycium baldianum   Michael John   Notocactus   Suculent   White epiphyllumCasa pe etapeChlidanthus fragransCLEMATIS   Clematis Andromeda   Clematis HF Young   Clematis Silver MoonCLIVIA   Clivia Belgian Hybrid   Clivia miniata   Clivia nobilisCraciun FericitDiverse   Camelia Black Magic   Camelia Red Red Rose      Camelia Bob Hope      Camelia Debbie      Camelia Margaret Davis   Canna   Crocus   Nerine   Passion fruit   Pieris Mountain Fire   Queen Suphur- Ismene   Sprekelia jacobean lily   Stephanotis floribundaEucomis pineaplle lilyGladioleGLORIOSA LILYGloxiniaGradina de legumeHIBISCUS   Bruceii   Catavki   Cile Tinney   Coconat Ice   Crown of Bohemia   Cuban Variety   DJ O Brien   Evening Sunset   Flower Girl   General Corteges   Grapette   Hawaiian Skies   Hibi syriacus Ardens   Hibiscus 2011-2012   Island Impress   Isobel Beard   Jayella   Limoncello   Madang   Madeline Champion   Mrs Andreasen   Peach Blow   Peach hibiscus   Pink Chiffon   Pink Gem   Pink Rays   Ritzy   Rosalie   Sabrina   The Pearl   White Chiffon   Yellow hibiscusHIPPEASTRUM   A- hipeastrum 2011-2012   apple blossom   Belladonna   Brenhill   Darwin Belle   Double Rouge   Dromana   Eternal Princess   Flora Girl   Forest Fire   Gift from Rada   Goliath   Gorby   Guyra   Haemanthus coccineus   Jade Lady - Double Speak   Joyful Maiden   Lemon   Molotov   Monte Christo   Morag Burge   Mountain Maid   Mums orange   Nebo Road   Orange Glory   Orange Jester   Papilio-species   Party Animal   Pink Phantera   Princess of Burma   Red Lion   Reticulatum -species   Rosemary   Sally Cooper   Sharyns Choice   Strawberry Blend   Striatum-species   Surprise   Symphony   Vallota   Wedding dance   zanzibarHOYA   australis v compacta   Bella   Ciliata   Green Exotica   Heuschkeliana   Hoya 2011- 2012   Hoya litoralis   Hoya macgillivrayi   Indian Rope   Kerii   Krinkle   Naumanii   Obovata   Pubicalyx   Red buttons   Santos x Cumingiana   ShepherdiiIncredibil- dar adevarat   Ciini care au facut istorie   KNUTInundatii - Ianuarie 2011IRISLeandriiLILIUM-crini   Black Prince   Christmas lily- white dragon   Cootamundra   Crin asiatic   Crini 2011-2012   Fire Eyes   Hymenocallis   Rascal   Showoff   Siberia   Sylvan Vale   TriumfLily of the ValleyLycaste 2ORCHIDS   Angraecum sesquipedale   Beallara   Beallara Peggy Ruth Carpenter   Beallara Roy Segal   Bletilla striata   Cattleya   Cattleya 1   Cattleya 3   Cattleya Heathii   Cattleya mini   Cattleya2   Cattleya4   Cattleya5   Coelogine cristata   Coelogine Flaccida   Cymbidium      Cimbidium6      Cymbidium2      cymbidium4   Cymbidium 1   Cymbidium 3   Dendrobium      Den 1      Den 2   Dendrobium 3   Dendrobium loddigesii   Dendrobium nobile   Dendrobium phal   Dendrobium phal 2   Dendrobium Premium Cobber Lavender and Lime x June Mac Black   Dockrillia linguiformis   Encyclia pollybulbon   Epi Cochleatum   Epidendrum   Epidendrum Nocturnum   Laelia   Lycaste      Lycaste Aromatica      Lycaste1   Lycaste Macama Atlantis HCC-OSCOV   Masdevallia   Maxillaria nigrescens   Neofinetia falcata   Odcdm Splinter   Oncidium Dancing Lady   Oncidium Sharry baby   Oncidium specie   orhidee   Osmoglossum Pulchellum   Paphiopedilum   Phalaenopsis   Phalaenopsis mariae-specie   Restrepiella ophiocephala   Slc Ken Dream Dogashima x Sc Mem Ellen Littman Castle Creek   Stanhopea nigroviolacea Atlantis   Vanda   ZygopetalumOrnithogalum Chesapeak SnowflakePeisajePOTOPUL si PEISAJEROSES Trandafiri   Catarator   Elina   Hybrid tea heritage   Jubilee 150   Lady X   minirosaSarbatori Fericite- Craciun Fericit- 2010Sarcochilus-orhidee   Cherry Snow x Snowhart   Sarc Cream   Sarc Fitzhart Flush Red   Sarc hartmannii   Sarco   Sarcochilus Fitzhard Rusty BucketTULIPS   Black Parrot   Monsella   Monte Cristo   Queen of the nightUNGHIIVopsirea deck-uluiWheatgrass

membru din 2 august 2010


Also known as Kaffir lily in some countries although this term is now regarded as defamatory. The preferred common name is Clivia
Known as kunshi-ran in Japan.
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Clivias are among the most easily cultivated bulbous plants.
Their attractive evergreen leaves, brilliant flower heads and eye-catching ripe berries, as well as their drought tolerance and ability to grow under low light conditions make them a popular garden or pot specimen.

Aspect: Dappled shade is the most suitable location for clivias outdoors but they will also grow well in heavy shade but will not flower quite as prolific They can take a couple of hours of early morning sun but should have shade for the rest of the day. Too much sun scorches the leaves.
They make great impact as a specimen pot plant for the shady patio and can be grown successfully indoors in good light.
Clivias are best used in drift plantings under shady trees. They are also recommended for areas of dry shade and once planted they like to remain in the same position for many years. Best flowering comes from well established clumps.

In containers, clivias like having their roots slightly restricted and provided they are well fertilised grow extremely well in tubs either of terracotta or plastic construction. Once established they can be left undisturbed for many years until flowering performance diminishes. Then they can be lifted divided and replanted.

Clivias require good drainage, good soil aeration and high humus content. If grown in the garden large amounts of compost are required in the raised bed; which provides for good drainage.
Watering: Established clivia plants are quite drought resistant provided they have shade and plenty of organic matter. They should receive regular watering during their active growing season and less water in the winter. In containers one or two deep waterings per week during the growing season, and one good watering every two to three weeks during winter, is ideal.
Fertilising: Clivias are gross feeders, and the quality of flowers, leaves and fruit can be greatly enhanced by regular feeding. Young seedlings respond very well to foliar feeding with liquid fertiliser every few weeks. Slow release fertiliser such as Osmocote can also be used to fertilise the soil over a long period.
Hardiness: Clivias are frost tender, so therefore are best grown in containers in very cold climates, where they can be protected from the harsh elements.
clivia; 25.08.10
clivia; 8.09.10
clivia; 21.09.10
clivia; 25.09.10
Clivia; 27.09.10
clivia; 30.09.10
clivia; 30.09.10
Clivia; 2.10.09
clivia; 4.10.10

Comentarii album • 10
roxanika 22 februarie 2012  
Foarte frumos!!!
lalea 25 august 2011  
O splendoare!!!
lalea 14 august 2011  
bundu 13 august 2011  
un fel de crin?
bundu 27 iulie 2011  
tulpina evantai
violetadatcu 14 decembrie 2010  
foarte frumoasa!
elenaB 18 noiembrie 2010  
minunata !
Meme 5 noiembrie 2010  
rajmi 9 octombrie 2010  
foarte frumoasa
lorrie 12 octombrie 2010  
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